“Actually it seems like an opportunity to empathize with others who’ve been persecuted for centuries”
This is a very sharp point. If you’re “offended” (offended in quotes here because how offended are people really about things they claim to be offended by? whoops, too long, sorry) by all the patronizing “Dear White Men/People” blog posts, then you should also be tired of the “The Black Community needs to..” nonsense. Or, if you’re a “suck it up person,” then your response internally and externally should be, “suck it up” to maintain logical consistency.
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“Haven’t black women endured and continue to endure more persecution that white men”
Regarding the above quote, while it’s nothing like the persecution minorities have physically/psychologically suffered historically in America, it’s quite obvious the a main target these days is old/white males, white male privilege, etc. While one would probably prima facie rather be a white male than a black male, the “privilege” aspect doesn’t quite hold up *statistically*. White men are twice as likely to commit suicide as black men; more women are going to college 35% more often than men. White men in Britain are viewed as the worst ethnic group; Asian Main make more than white men…Asian women earn as much as white men…And on and on. (This isn’t whining FTR: I tend to be a “suck it up” (while empathetic) guy because my victimhood complex got me nowhere fast in my youthful days).
Anyway, nice job Sarah; I thought this was pretty fair, funny, and more about finding ways to come together, instead of being the divisive types of pieces we keep seeing out there. I am often reminded of Freud’s “narcissism of small differences” when talking about this stuff. We’re a little bit different, but not THAT different, so instead of hyper-focusing on these small differences, let’s come together in a shared journey :)