Sorry for the delay. I’ve been busy, and didn’t want to rush this answer.
This is one of the rare self-help books that I think will help. A lot of other ones seem good at the time, but end up feeling goofy when you revisit them. So if you tend to be a realist/stoic type of person, “Not Giving a Fuck” will always hold up.
But to your question, it depends on what type of person you are. If you are like the above, then I really enjoyed “Upside of Stress” by McGonigal. Talks a lot about how we should confront challenges instead of avoiding them, and how the “stress response” is a bit misunderstood. Great stuff (her Willpower Instinct book is good, too). Waking Up by Sam Harris was also good.
Four Agreements, Peaceful Warrior are decent motivational/insightful books, if you haven’t read those.
For “better thinking” type books that have a self-help element to them, I’d read “Being Wrong” and “Thinking Fast and Slow” (some of the science in Thinking is incorrect, e.g., priming studies and smiling to make you happy studies, but it’s good to help you engage in more type 2 thinking…read up to know what that means). A big part of our problems as human beings is our various cognitive biases that get in the way of us living better lives and having better conversations.
So let me know what think and what you are needing and i’ll be happy to chat! I enjoy this stuff.